Time to Wander was created by three journalists in Australia who are curious about the world, intrigued by other cultures, love travelling and want to share their experiences with a like-minded audience. Our aim is to provide something more meaningful than the “click-bait, list-style” travel pieces that are so common on the internet today – although we do sometimes willingly take the bait. By pooling our resources, and calling on our wealth of media experience, we hope to create a magazine-style travel site that you’ll find informative, authoritative and entertaining.
‘Bernardo’ spent much of his youth lying in bed, staring at maps of faraway places and wondering what it must be like to live there. One day he said to himself, “enough wondering, it’s time to wander”. (Coincidentally, at the same time his father said, “it’s time you got a job”.) So he became a journalist, a get-rich scheme if ever there was one! He has written for leading publications such as The Australian Financial Review’s Sophisticated Traveller and Life & Leisure. He is the Travel Editor at The Australian Women’s Weekly.
As a young broadcast journalist in South Africa in the early 1990s, Catherine was dispatched on her first proper overseas jaunt: a political press trip to Kenya. She drank her first gin and tonic at Nairobi’s Norfolk Hotel, and stayed in a suite-with-a-view at the Mount Kenya Safari Club. With her appetite for travel thus whet, she set about remedying her lack of worldliness by gallivanting far and wide, and collecting stories as she went. She’s now visited over 70 countries, and has won accolades for her writing on four continents – including three Kennedy Awards for Outstanding Journalism and two ASTW Travel Writer of the Year awards.
Back when a “gap year” was unheard of, 17-year-old Diana ignored parental concerns, threw her wanderlust into a backpack and headed for adventures in Israel and Europe. A career as a journalist over three decades has been regularly peppered with escapades for the sake of sanity. She currently works as media liaison coordinator at the National Museum of Australia and media adviser for a group of regional Australian universities. She was previously Arts Editor of The Canberra Times and Qantas Magazine’s Canberra restaurant writer.