He is leery of lobsters but partial to prawns. Piles of them! Bernard O’Shea checks out the Christmas fare at the…
The bust of one of the most mysterious and powerful women in ancient Egypt is the biggest attraction at Berlin’s…
Of the 300-odd waterfalls at Iguazú, this one’s the monster. For part two of our series on this amazing spectacle,…
Budapest is famous for its spas and pools, but if you only have time for one, go for the the…
The alpine village of Sinaia, in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains, has long been a favoured haunt of monks and royals. Bernard…
It’s round about this time of the year that itinerant members of the human species in the southern hemisphere contemplate…
Don’t miss this extraordinary immersive exhibition at the NMA in Canberra on the final leg of its international tour. …
Atten-shunn! Fall in, everybody, behind Bernard O’Shea as he marches into a most unusual military zone and salutes its artistic…
Sydney’s new lunar year celebrations are something to crow about, even for a cheeky Rat like Bernard O’Shea. Sydney is…
The Algarve is Portugal’s favourite stretch of holiday coast, offering a variety of experiences. Bernard O’Shea outlines how to find…